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Nov. 12 2021
Steven and Connie Schmitt’s commitment, passion, and hard work as a farming couple is evidenced by a collection of aerial farm photos proudly displayed
Nov. 10 2021
The state of California faces a water deficit that will take years to repair
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Nov. 9 2021
Last week I had the opportunity to attend the Western Dairy Management Conference in Reno, Nev. Let me just say that it was amazing to be at an in-person conference
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Nov. 4 2021
A world without animal agriculture wouldn’t be good for the nutritional viability of many people
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Nov. 3 2021
I live in an old farmhouse. It’s got a creepy dirt basement, splintery old floors, and drafty, well, drafts. Last night, on my way to the bathroom, I stumbled, threw out a hand to catch myself
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Nov. 2 2021
On or off the farm, women make valuable contributions to agriculture
Oct. 29 2021
Meet my toddler niece, Everly. Her 2-year-old self has grown up spending countless hours out and about at our family dairy farm
Oct. 28 2021
It seems everyone in the United States is having supply chain issues right now. Some have faced worse challenges than others
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Oct. 26 2021
Working with Mother Nature offers beauty as well as the challenges
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Oct. 21 2021
These apps can help your dairy run more smoothly
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Oct. 20 2021
Being a farmer is just one part of our identities
Oct. 19 2021
Cows are herd animals and often don’t like to be separated by themselves, but at the same time, crowded cattle can’t reach their full potential
Oct. 15 2021
As dairy farmers, no matter how long we have been in this career, there are always mistakes we can learn from
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Oct. 14 2021
Perusing my grandparents’ 1960s farm journals tells the story of farming in a different time and details our family’s history
Dr Barnes
Oct. 11 2021
Virginia Tech’s Michael Barnes passes away after a life of supporting young people
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Oct. 11 2021
The national dairy checkoff has sponsored College Aggies Online for several years, and I'm always impressed at how creative and driven the students are to learn and advocate for animal agriculture
Oct. 8 2021
By researching companies beforehand, effectively letting out your nerves, and showing appreciation to recruiters, the career fair can be much more manageable
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Oct. 6 2021
Though we may run different kinds or sizes of farms, all farmers share the same interest and passion
Merle Howard Award
Oct. 4 2021
A hard-working, dedicated, and passionate showman, this year’s Merle Howard Award honoree started her showing career by exhibiting grade cattle from a nearby neighbor
Thurs RW1
Oct. 1 2021
“I am so lucky to judge this show,” said Judge Pierre Boulet of Montmagny, Quebec, as the International Red and White Show came to a close on Friday